Saturday, July 31, 2010

Hilarious And Cool Daily Life Pics..

Here's some interesting daily life picture..

There's more..

When I grow up..

Well.. Here's an example to live with..

Haha.. This girl surely gonna be the next Anna-Nicole Smith.. Haha.. ;)

Things That You'd Never Knew Your Cell Phone Could Do..

For all of you who own a cell phones. (This should be printed and kept in your car, purse, and wallet. Good information to have with you.)

There are a few things that can be done in times of grave emergencies.

Your mobile phone can actually be a life saver or an emergency tool for survival.

Check out the things that you can do with it:


Friday, July 30, 2010

Reasons Why You Shouldn't Put Your Picture On The Internet..

Well.. There's a lesson to learn from here.. Enjoy it!!


There's more......

OMG!! Moment..

These hilarious daily life picture will surely going to twist you head..
Enjoy it!!

Handy assistant..

Mom!! Please.. He's gonna kill me!!!!

There's more....

When Animal Struck..

Watch your back.. Because you'll never know when it's coming at you.. Haha.. Enjoy it..

Poor old man..

There's more..

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Michael Jordan.. The greatest ever..

A tribute to Michael Jordan greatness..

Monday, July 26, 2010

Real life Patrick Star......

Haha.. I don't know about you guys.. But this is one creepy looking creature..
Here's some more untooned cartoon character...

Fart loading.......


Definitely the coolest T-shirt of the week.. Haha..

Funny ChatRoulette Screenshots!! Haha..

ChatRoulette is the new feature in internet video chatting.. But there's also a lot of weird user using it.. Haha.. Here's some of them..

P/s: The top pic is the 'Stranger' while the bottom is the 'You' user.. Enjoy!!

Racist user..

Men with boops..

"Oh shit!!! I'm gonna get gangbang!!!"

More pics..

Biggest crab in Britain..

This biggest crab in Britain and it is huge and it is still growing and that is not all what you need to hear, they call this thing ‘Crabzilla’ and that is what concerns me most. Check out the photo below:

More pics..

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Animal VS. Human.. Haha.. Check this out..

Animals VS humans - Watch more Funny Videos
Animals Rage!!!!!

But Dad, I am a bit Ashamed…

That's one lucky brat!

Funny and Creative Signs..

More picture..

Fire Lines Photoshop Tutorial


This tutorial will teach you how to create creative and stylish fire lines in 10 easy steps!


For this tutorial your going to need a good stock photo lined up. Something with action…and preferably dark (this effect works much better in a dark setting)

Hilarious Photobombs

Have some of your photos ever been ruined by strangers? Then meet these crazy photobombs that are going to make looking at your albums a lot less painful.
More pictures..

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